How to join online classes
Dear student,
please follow the following instructions to get to your today’s class:
1. Open your LMS account and select “portal, training syllabus/progress test”
2. Select your “Training Card” for example EASA PPL and click on your ID number
3. Select Calendar and choose the appropriate line/date of your class and select “more info” on the right side
4. In the window you can find all information regarding to Online Class.
- Subject of your online class
- Start and end time of the class
- Link into your Online Class ( Find your “Meet Link” to follow your online classroom )
- Worksheet link ( worksheet is working just during the class )
- Homework link  ( Homework working after you class , but just one week only  )
- Reading materials ( read and be prepared for your class )
- Video ( Recorded video of the older class  )
5. On the Online Class meet page please switch off your mic and ,,JOIN MEET ,,