Exercise 1 – Familiarization with the Aircraft

Exercise 1 – Familiarization with the Aircraft


In this part of the lesson, there will be no discussion about air exercise – it is exclusively a ground instruction.

  • If your student has not flown a light aircraft before, it is good to do this exercise on the the day before this first fight, if possible, to give your student time to adaptate to the aircraft, explain to the student how the aircraft parts move and answer his questions and to avoid the amount of information he has to absorb at one time. On the other hand, if he has some previous experience, you can combine this exercise with his first flight.
  • The impressions formed by your student at this stage largely determine his attitude towards instruction and his confidence in himself and the aircraft. You must aim to develop the confidence and co-operation of your student from the outset and not swamp him with a mass of detail at this stage. Remember that familiarity will only come with time and practice, so this lesson is only the start of this process and much of what you cover will have to be repeated/reinforced in subsequent lessons.


  • All the instructions in this exercise involving the external features of the aircraft, the cockpit layout and the checks should be given at the aircraft. You should first show the student the main external features – re-fueling points and so on. You must emphasize the dangers associated with propellers and teach the student to always enter and leave the aircraft via the trailing edge of the wing.

  • An example of danger parts for a student pilot, on which instructor have to pay an extreme attention, when the student near an aircraft or doing walk around check

  • Having dealt with the external points of primary interest, enter the cockpit and explain its layout. A good method of teaching the disposition of the controls and instruments is to work through the Checklist; in this way the student learns to associate checklists with the hardware. You must emphasize the vital importance of systematic checking and make sure the student understands that checking of every item on the Checklist is essential to safe flying. Answer any questions within the limitations of the student’s background knowledge, but avoid detailed discussions on engine and aircraft handling. That would be premature at this early stage. Note: Items of remove and secure


  • Explain the various systems to the student and remind him that information can be found in the Flight Manual. Avoid technicalities at this stage, and confine discussion to the practical operation of the system. Tell him that he will be expected to have a sound working knowledge of the systems (and will be tested on this) before he is allowed to fly solo.


  • Over time, your student must become familiar with all the procedures, drills and checks in the Checklist. Quite quickly, he should be able to locate all the controls and switches without looking for them; to this end encourage your student to sit in an aircraft and practise with the aid of the Checklist.


  • You should introduce emergency drills progressively, as appropriate to the stage of training. When teaching emergency drills do not give the impression that such occurrences are common-place. Stress the fact that since emergencies are rare, the unexpected nature of the occurrence demands a well-practiced drill which can be carried out quickly and correctly. Stress, however, that a correct drill carried out methodically is better than an incorrect drill carried out at lightning speed.
  • You must ensure that your students know the appropriate emergency drills as detailed in the syllabus and the Training Manual before first solo. Instruction and revision of emergency drills must continue after the first solo with particular emphasis to those drills which have to be practiced as a part of the Essential Exercise Check.